Podcasting Through the Pandemic


As we swiftly move through the change of seasons, it’s important that we take care of our bodies, minds and spirits. Podcasts are a great way to keep your mind engaged, and the best podcasts can be enjoyed no matter what’s going on around you.

Our board put together a shortlist of some of the podcasts we’ve been listening to over the past few months. Whether you need a fresh podcast, a different topic, or something new for your evening walks, these are our recommendations. 

We Have Concerns 

Episodes: 628

This podcast is a great break to our weekly routines. With such a variety of topics included, you will never get bored. It’s a fun, educational and thought-provoking show to challenge the way we look at everyday things. 

Learn more.

By the Book 

Episodes: 150 

We love listening to people’s reviews. By the Book is described as half reality show, half self-help podcast. It reviews the content from self-help books through living out its rules or suggestions. The hosts, Kristen and Jolenta provide humourous, thoughtful and insightful reviews of popular self-help books. 

For more information on where to listen, check out their website. 

I hate it but I love it 

Episodes: 193 

We love supporting Canadian creators. If you already haven’t given this podcast a try, we highly recommend it. Working from home means you don’t need to hold in your laughter to avoid disrupting co-workers. This show offers a mix of humourous banter with television and movie reviews that we all love to hate, and sometimes hate to love. 

For a full list of their episodes, head to their website.

Breaking Beauty 

Episodes: 144

Another great Canadian podcast! It can be so hard to sift through the new beauty products that are worth the hype, or not worth our money. Breaking Beauty hosts, Jill and Carlene, discuss breakthrough products, people and moments in beauty. Not only will we hear about the products themselves, but the stories and people behind the products. Plus, we get insights and topics from the makers and other industry experts themselves. 

Their website also hosts their blog, where they share their reviews on even more products.

You’re Wrong About 

Episodes: 109 

You’re Wrong About is hosted by journalists who discuss a person or event that was miscast or in the public imagination. With over 100 episodes, they’ve covered everything from political scandals, royal scandals, missing person cases and more. It’s another uniquely thought-provoking listen. 

Check out the website to listen.

Let us know if you give any of them a try! What podcasts are you listening to? 

- Laura Briston, IABC Board member

IABC Waterloo